Project Description

Project Description

HORIZONTAL: Skills development and inclusion through creativity and the arts
HORIZONTAL: Social and educational value of European cultural heritage
HORIZONTAL: Common values, civic engagement and participation

Promoting active citizenship across Europe, per the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020), is one of the main objectives of EU education systems. Citizenship education is included in the education system of some EU member states. Yet, the content, duration and grade level of such education varies by nation (eg Primary level in Italy; Primary, secondary and upper level in Norway; Compulsory subject in primary and secondary level in Turkey; Integrated into social sciences/ Eurydice in Lithuania). The OECD International Student Assessment Program (PISA) measures the extent to which 15yr-old students can solve problems they will encounter in life and provides information about the success of countries' education systems. However, citizenship education is ignored in PISA evaluations due to the national disparities.

The road map for the NWBLB project addresses this by:
* European teachers having professional skills, practices competences and materials on EU citizenship (EU citizenship professional development training)
* Including families in the EU citizenship education process (EU citizenship family education),
* Integrating EU citizenship and European common cultural elements into school lessons (Intellectual output: EU Citizenship Joint Training Program / Module)
* Supporting students with in-school/out-of-school activities by the triangulated school, teacher and parent model (Intellectual Output: European Youth and Culture Club)
* Ensuring that they communicate, cooperate and interact with their European peers, assume duties and responsibilities together and gain European awareness (Intellectual Output:
Mobile Application).



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