Mobile Application (IO2)
A mobile application will be created (iOS & Android compatible) and delivered to the user free of charge via Apple Store and Google Play Store. Users will be able to access all kinds of cultural content, information and knowlegde about Europe using the mobile app and mobile technology. The mobile app will enable young European users to communicate and interact with each other. The contents of the mobile application will be created by the young students using the peer-mediated teaching methods, brainstorming methods, collaborative teaching methods and co-creation in the transnational project activity. The mobile APP, which will be a common product for European youth, will reach many European young users and contribute to the formation of European common culture awareness among young people


mobile app_registrations P6

Mobile Application P5

Mobile Application Registration Partner Schools

P2 - Mobil Uygulama Kaydı Partner Okulları

P3 - students registered on Mobile App

P3.1 - Mobile Application Registration Partner Schools (2)



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