

The EC Eurobarometer survey, measures the awareness in member countries of European citizenship knowledge and EU citizenship rights. According to the data obtained, it is
striking that 42% of those who do not understand the term EU citizenship are young people between the ages of 15-24 and 58% responded to the survey as "I do not know" about my
rights as EU citizens. ISCTE-IUL applied an online "EU citizenship in 100 questions" survey to a total of 1678 students 14-18yrs old, who are the target audience of this project. Results
showed 64% of the students stated that they do not know their EU citizenship rights. The number of students who say they do not know about the European common culture is 72%.
Based on the data from both surveys, citizenship education provided in schools is not enough to give students EU citizenship competence and proper awareness of European common
culture. Citizenship lessons in schools could provide an important vehicle to address any lack of awareness of EU common culture/EU citizenship as embedding these competences is
important for the EU and the future.



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