Erasmus+ project "Nobody Will Be Left Behind" and citizenship

Erasmus+ project "Nobody Will Be Left Behind" and citizenship

For more than 10 times already, our Erasmus+ project "NWBLB" partners from Northern Ireland, Turkey,
Norway, Italy and of course Lithuania met remotely. On Monday (7 March, 2022) in Lithuania (5.30 pm),
and before the evening had even started, the work done, the new work planned and the ongoing work,
its challenges and joys were discussed.
Italy (P3) presented the rules of the European Youth and Culture Club "18+ arrows towards culture" (or
EIGHTEEN + arrows towards culture), developed by its students. This club will also be active in our
Gymnasium. Have you thought about what "EIGHTEEN+" could mean? You probably couldn't have
thought in advance that "EIGHTEEN+" means eighteen different strands. It also indicates the name of
the club, but does not limit it. In fact, the choice to add the "+" is not accidental: culture is everywhere
you look for it. As the possible directions are diverse and cover many areas, the club's wish is to
integrate as many inclinations, characteristics and passions as possible. The club's intentions are serious:
Promoting the exchange of international cultures and traditions.
Breaking down prejudices and clichés.
Creating a harmonious atmosphere between the different ethnic groups of Europe in order to have a
harmonious and respectful society.
Promoting a multi-ethnic community for the future.
Improving the opinion of young people so that they become real men and women, successful and open
to change.
The words citizen, citizenship, come up a lot when talking about this project, so I ask you: what does
citizenship mean to you? We recommend reading this article:



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