Utena "Saule" gymnasium

Utena "Saule" gymnasium

As we have many disadvantaged pupils whose families, social and economic circumstances hinder their ability to learn at school and actively participate in its life, we try to involve them into our projects and brighten pupils’ life. We have many of them living in villages, which has both positive and negative impact on their lives. However, we try to expand their horizons and enrich their
experience by involving them into a project. The school is the oldest one in Utena. Our treasure lies in people and history. We are proud of our students famous in both Lithuania and all over the world! Our pupils are aged 15-18. We do our best in showing our pupils that taking part in projects as a new opportunity to develop their language skills, exchange their experiences as well as expand their horizons. We try to make them believe English is a perfect means of telling the world about your own culture and learning about other cultures too.

Our teachers try to do their best in motivating students to learn and get involved in a school life as motivation is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of their education. Proficiency, love to both students and work, positive relationships with co-workers and capacity for growth are some of the key characteristics of our teachers. Our teachers are very experienced in conducting the lessons in the different environment (out of the school), e.g. the museums, libraries, educational centers, etc., as it helps better integrate the education and the real life. would be very useful and even essential for developing the IT skills of the teachers and students. One of the most important characteristics of a 21st Century teacher is to use the full range of digital-age tools to improve students' engagement and achievement. Learning to move digital technology into the heart of the learning process is an ongoing challenge for educators. The IT tool usage is the priority in the school's action plan of 2020 - all the teachers are encouraged to learn and master the chosen IT tool, integrate STEAM to the educational process, share the experience with the colleagues.



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