Özel Antalya Vizyon Koleji Anadolu Lisesi

Özel Antalya Vizyon Koleji Anadolu Lisesi

In terms of our scope of work, we corporate middle school (5th – 6th – 7th and 8th graders) including high school (9th – 10th – 11th and 12th graders) We have 3 principals including 23 staff in our school . As a result of the incredible technological and social changes that are taking place today, 65% of today's children will have to do professions that are not available today in adulthood, and moreover they will have to change jobs, jobs, even countries throughout their lives. For such a dynamic future, education has to be built on the vision of "Lifetime Achievement". We believe that the only competitive skill is the ability to learn, and we argue that the main task of education is to teach children how to learn. As Vizyon College, we know very well that individuals who have learned to learn will make a difference in the future. In the 21st century, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills must be developed for a qualified and successful life. Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions we will make for our children. Every parent naturally tries to provide the best educational environment he can for his most precious assets. It is often difficult to decide among many school options. For this reason, we explained the
difference of our school for parents who want to compare Vizyon College with other school alternatives. When comparing, we strongly remind you to consider these criteria, which make up the difference in quality, quality and fee between schools. Common European Language Reference Framework (CEFR) is taken as basis in teaching English at our school.

CEFR is used worldwide to identify and measure students' language skills. At Vizyon College, English teaching programs are prepared in accordance with the principles of "Communicative Approach". Digital learning platforms integrate foreign language into students' lives without time and space limitations. Interactive digital learning platforms enriched with artificial intelligence technologies, which are tools of blended learning, are used efficiently in foreign language teaching in our school. In this way, language learning processes are spread outside the school. While children are 20% of the population today, it is 100% of our future. We have to prepare our children for the future with the education of the future . We argue that education and training should not be limited to classical tools and methods in the 21st century. In our opinion, using technology smartly and efficiently in education is one of the primary responsibilities of every educator and educational institution. 

At Vizyon College;
We enrich education with digital content powered by artificial intelligence. Students and teachers use both classical materials and digital contents in the most efficient way. With cloud technologies, students and teachers interact anytime, anywhere. Every student must have an internet connection and a suitable computer or tablet in their home. Students who wish can come to the school with their notebooks and books as well as with a tablet or laptop. The school has a secure and controlled internet network application.



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